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  • How to correct a negative balance or an incorrect balance when all numbers have been input correctly?
    Open the edit link on any line in either the receipts or disbursement section of the report. Do not make any changes. Click on the disk on the same line and allow the form to close. This should trigger the report to recalculate correctly.
  • How to reset your password when you are Not able to sign in?
    On the sign in screen, click on forgot password. A link will be mailed to your email address on file. If you do not receive a link, contact the help desk at
  • How to input the Quarter beginning and Ending dates into the software?
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on Churches Click on the blue Edit button on the right of the page. You will be taken to the Organization Management Screen. The period Setup screen is on the top right of the page. For the Quarter Start Date, select the month from the drop-down. Then type in the date of the month in the box under the drop-down box. *Do not input the year. For the Quarter End Date, select the month from the drop down. Then type in the date of the month in the box under the drop-down box. *Do not input the year. Click on the blue, Save Period Setup button.
  • How to set up a user?
    Click on Users from the menu tree. Select Users Complete the following 3 steps to properly set up a user and to give them access to the software: Step 1: +Add a User Box Input the username assigned to the user. (Preferable their email address) Complete their first and last name, email address, and phone number. Create a Password for the use. Remember that the password is case sensitive. Step 2: AMEZ Permissions Click in the box and highlight the name of your church to populate the name into the church assignment box. If you skip this step, the user will not be able to navigate in the software. Step 3: Church User Level: Select from the drop down either QC Secretary or User (Forms Permissions Only) Select QC Secretary to give full access to the software. This allows the user to add forms, add users, etc. Select User (Forms Permissions Only) to allow the user to access only the form or forms that they are responsible for completing.
  • How to access the help desk if I have a question that is not in the Frequently Asked Questions list?
    While in the software, click on support ticket and complete the requested information. If you are not in the software, send an email to Please allow 24-48 hours to receive a response.
  • Should I delete a report just to make corrections?
    No. Do not delete the report. Just click on the edit link on the line you with to edit.
  • How to create a Ministry and Auxiliary form?
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on churches Click on Edit Scroll down to the bottom right of the page You will see church forms. Click on the drop down Select the Ministry & Auxiliary option In the forms box, type the name of the Ministry & Auxiliary In the form# box, leave it blank Click on add form It should now be on your dashboard.
  • How do I change my username?
    Contact your Quarterly Conference Secretary or Pastor. A new user account will need to be created. The old account should be suspended.
  • How do I remove a class leader form from the dashboard?
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on churches. Click on the blue Edit button Scroll down to the bottom right of the page You will see church forms. Click on the drop down Select the Class Leader option Click on the class leader form that needs to be updated. Click on Edit – Update the name of the class leader by adding the words “DoNotUse” in front of the name in the form type box. No spaces. Example: DoNotUse-Jane Doe Click on Update You should no longer see the class leader form on the dashboard.
  • How To create a Traveling Minister or Local Minister Form:
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on churches Click on Edit Scroll down to the bottom right of the page You will see church forms. Click on the drop down Select the Local preacher/Traveling minister option In the forms box, type the name of the minister In the form# box, leave it blank Click on add form It should now be on your dashboard.
  • How do I recover a form after deleting the report?
    You will not be able to recover the data that was previously entered. However, to get a blank form, take the following steps. Go the next quarter after the quarter for which you deleted the form. You will get a banner stating that the previous quarter must be completed first. Click on the white button for the previous quarter and complete the form there.
  • How to generate the Pastor’s Annual Statistical Report:
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on Report Input the Year Click on Find Reports Click on the 1st link “Annual Report for Pastors Statistical Report” You will know the report is generating when you see the dots turning on the top tab Appx CMS. Allow the report 10 to 15 minutes to generate. It will populate on your device. You may print the report to a pdf.
  • How To create an Exhorter Form:
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on churches Click on Edit Scroll down to the bottom right of the page You will see church forms. Click on the drop down Select the Exhorters option In the forms box, type the name of the Exhorter In the form# box, leave it blank Click on add form It should now be on your dashboard.
  • How do I correct an entry that has been saved on a report?
    Click on the blue edit link on the line you wish to correct. Enter the correct information. Click on the blue disk on the same line to save your update. Allow the line to close and your correction will be updated.
  • Which forms are not pre-loaded on the dashboard and must be created before completion?
    - Class Leader -Local Preacher / Traveling Minister -Exhorter -Ministry and Auxiliaries
  • How to delete a user?
    You will not be able to delete a user. You will need to contact the help desk at . Request that the account be deleted. Note: Do not request a user be deleted if they have completed forms previously. Instead, suspend the user.
  • How do I change the name of a class leader?
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on churches. Click on the blue Edit button Scroll down to the bottom right of the page You will see church forms. Click on the drop down Select the Class Leader option Click on the class leader form that needs to be updated. Click on Edit – Update the name of the class leader Click on Update Click on Save
  • How to set up a new account for a Pastor who has been assigned to your church?
    Contact the help desk. You are not to set up a Pastor for your church. The account should be created by the GSA office.
  • How to reactivate a user that has been suspended?
    You will need to contact the help desk at Request that an account that was previously suspended be reactivated.
  • How to reset or change your password after you ARE able to sign in?
    On the users list, click on your name ( the blue link). At the bottom left of the screen, you will see “Reset Password” Type the password that you have created. Place a check mark in the “require reset on next logon” box. Click on Reset Password
  • How to create a Class Leader Form:
    Click on AMEZ Org Click on churches Click on Edit Scroll down to the bottom right of the page You will see church forms. Click on the drop down Select the Class Leader option In the forms box, type the name of the class leader In the form# box, type the class leader # Click on add form It should now be on your dashboard.
  • How to suspend a user?
    From the home page, click on the user’s name (blue link) At the top of the screen select “Suspend Account” Note: Once the account is suspended, you will no longer see the user in your user’s list.
  • How to begin entering data into forms on the dashboard:
    Click on AMEZ Reporting Click on dashboard. You will come to the Form Response Overview Screen. Scroll down the page to see the 22 preloaded forms. Input the Year and the Correct Period. To select the correct quarter, click on the drop-down arrow in the Period box. Be sure to click on Change period to change the period. Clicking on change period will take you to the top of the screen again, just scroll back down to the forms. You should now see the correct period next to the action button. For all forms that have not been completed, you will see a blue action button that says, “Complete Response”. Click on the blue action button Complete Response button to open the form. Remember to complete all items and click on the submit button. For all forms that have been completed, you will see a white action button that says, “View Response”. Click on the white action button “View Response” to see a report that has already been completed.

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